The summary I wrote to accompany the pieces:
[Ir]Rational Fear
We are all wired for fear. We all still have the fight or flight instinct within us, and it needs an outlet: scary stories. Horror has evolved from centuries of fairytales and folklore, it's nothing new. But, how do we continue to scare ourselves and how does horror manage to maintain its relevance?
While my photo collage explores peoples feelings on why horror is relevant (both on a personal and cultural level), my film piece explores the images and sounds from which horror is constructed.
One of the things I found most interesting is that I edited my film without any intention of scaring or creating a sense of tension yet most people have reported these feelings while watching it. It would seem that simply the expectation of fear is enough for us to project it onto what we're seeing or hearing. Love it or hate it - our brains switch on to fear in a heartbeat. Personally, I think its a healthy flexing of our primitive muscles.
What were your expectations and what did you feel?
Here is the link to the Film Collage -
The Photo Collage:
If you want to read the writing here is a link to a larger image -
The full show: