Friday 28 October 2011

Trying To Catch Nature

After much playing around with a decent camera - I finally felt ready to spend a whole day taking some portfolio worthy photos. I went to West Stow and tried very hard to catch a snippet of the natural beauty there.

Ironically, though I decided to focus my attention on birds - my picture of the day featured no birds but I suppose thats the way things go sometimes.

Below is the link to the gallery of the best photos of the day on the National Geographic:

Please let me know what you think as photography is a field I am really trying to improve in.

This is my picture of the day -

Thursday 13 October 2011

Found Objects Sculptures

Marcel Dechamp's famous piece 'Fountain' (a urinal turned on its side) is the most famous piece of Found Object Art.

It is what it sounds like, find an objects and make it art. Name it, subvert it, destroy its use, give it a new use or destroy it - all viable possibilities.

Which piece do you like the best and why??