Friday, 2 March 2012

Back with a vengeance. PLASTER VENGEANCE!

Well, life is distracting. I've had muchos muchos going on recently - shows and projects all getting on top of me and, forgive me, the blog has suffered. But no longer!

I return with a piece made from a medium I haven't posted before: plaster. 

Plaster is weird. Temperamental. Easy to screw up. But if you take some time to get it right - its lovely!

This piece was based on a brief about childhood. I considered how much love I would invest in objects when I was young, something I think as adults we do less and less. I reminisced about toys and building blocks - probably not particularly well kept or expensive but that didn't matter back then - I can remember those objects from when I was 5 (and younger) better than I can remember half the things I've ever bought post 16. 

This piece is supposed to express how much of ourselves we pour into particular objects as a child; an oversized building block with a deep cast of my hand (so deep I was nearly part of the building block quite literally). It doesn't matter that the object is simple and plain - I am a part of it. 

Perhaps we should try and look at our possessions with the eyes of our child-selves once in a while.
We'd probably buy less for a start.

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