A friend asked for a painting based on a silly poem I wrote and I thought it might be interesting to record the process.
I wrote the poem because we were at a play rehearsal and someone asked us if we could get them a can of coke seeing we had a break. Naturally, we couldn't be bothered so I said I'd write a poem about a can of coke to give to them instead; as this would not involve moving.
Ode to a Can of Coke - Apologies for the poor opening rhyme, me and my friend both picked a word/phrase we wanted in the poem prior to writing it; why I chose "vending" I do not know! I thought her choice of "ring pull" was inspired.
Thirst. I feel your clutch impending.
Could you, machine, some sweet release be vending?
I await you, from your prison tumbling.
Soon shall I be at your ring pull,
You knew, I was a naive and eager fool.
Here stand I shamed; and in a foaming, fizzing pool.
Too soon I yearned for your refreshment.
Why did I not let you stand?
A spiteful lesson learned - oh victor,
No more you'll see me falter.
Next time I'll choose a truer friend,
Pure and loyal,

I thought I'd have a look at an artist for some inspiration and settled on Rothko - in particular some of pieces he did around 1948.

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