Tuesday, 15 March 2011

An idea.

Recently, my Facebook has been bombarded with various '30 day challenges' (songs, photos, games, films etc.) which I must admit have been fairly interesting to read.

I considered embarking on one but was instantly dissuaded by the distinct lack of challenge there is in, for example, naming 30 of my favourite film characters. I could probably complete the task in around ten minutes; stretching it over a longer period of time does not make it challenging.

I then considered what task I would *really* like to do over 30 days. Something I would find interesting and insightful. Owing to my recent creative FAMINE I have decided that - rather than waiting for inspiration to come - I am going to force the issue by completing one piece of art everyday, for 30 days. I will try as many mediums and styles as time and money allows and see what comes of it.

If you have a theme, idea or medium you would like to see me try feel free to message me. I hope for the 30 days to be consecutive however, due to the unknown quantity known as 'life' this may not be possible but I will, at the very least, complete 30 pieces.

Here. Goes. Something.

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